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Barito Renewables is included in the FTSE Global Equity Index for the June 2024 period


PT Barito Renewables Energy Tbk (BREN) entered the FTSE Global Equity Index, large cap for the period June 2024. The FTSE Global Equity Index is a prestigious index used by investors in making investment decisions. This index covers a total of 19,000 public companies with large, medium, small and micro market caps in 49 countries. 

The addition of BREN to the FTSE Global Equity Index confirms BREN's commitment and is in line with the Company's business development and strategy. Merly, Corporate Secretary and Director of Barito Renewables, said, "BREN's inclusion in this index is also an appreciation from the market for the expansive steps that BREN has taken, including the acquisition of wind power plants which is a diversification of our geothermal portfolio."